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Presentaciones Científicas

  1. Organized and Directed the Berkeley Course in Radial Keratotomy, Berkeley, California, September. Guest faculty: Dr. Robert Azar, Dr. Robert Fenzi, Professor S. N. Fyodorov, Dr. William Porter.
  2. “Reproducible Correction of Corneal Astigmatism,” lecture given to European Intraocularlens Society, Cannes, France, October.
  3. “Complications in Radial Keratotomy,” lecture given to Paris ophthalmologists, Paris, France, November. Sponsored by Americal. S.A., Paris.
  4. “Surgical Techniques in Correcting Astigmatism,” paper given to Annual Meeting of the Keratorefractive Society in San Francisco, California, September.
  5. Keynote lecture delivered to Belgian ophthalmologists at Refractive Surgery Symposium’s S. Elizabeth’s Hospital. Course Director: Professor Eric Cambie, Ghent, Belgium, November.
  6. “Astigmatism Correction,” paper delivered at Astigmatism Symposium at the Joint Meeting of C.L.A.O and I.S.R.K., Las Vegas, Nevada, January.
  7. Organized and Directed Berkeley Course in Radial Keratotomy, Berkeley, California, February.
  8. Delivered lecture on Radial Keratotomy to “Symposium on Intraocular Lens and Refractive Surgery,” St. Antione Hospital, Paris, France, April,.
  9. Delivered lecture on “Surgical Correction of Astigmatism” and participated in Surgical Panel on Astigmatism Correction at Meeting of Contact Lens Association of Ophthalmologists. Las Vegas, Nevada, January.
  10. “Surgical Methods of Astigmatism Correction,” Moscow, USSR, May, paper given at Moscow Eye Microsurgical Institute. Symposium Director: S. N. Fyodorov.
  11. On faculty staff of Keratorefractive Society Radial Keratotomy Course. New Orleans, Louisiana, November.
  12. Organized and Directed Berkeley Course in Radial Keratotomy. New Orleans, Louisiana, November. Guest faculty: Professor S. N. Fyodorov, Dr. Akira Momose, Dr. George Kreumeich, Dr. Allan Spivak.
  13. “Reproducible Correction of Astigmatism,” paper given at Keratorefractive Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, November.
  14. Organized and Directed the Berkeley Course in Radial Keratotomy at European Intraocularlens Implant Society Meeting, Jerusalem, September 5. The Berkeley Course is chosen as the official RK course of the Meeting. Guest faculty: Professor M. Blumenthal, Dr. George Baikoff, Dr. Fabio Dossi, Dr. N. Stahl, Dr. I. Lipshitz, Dr. Fernando Navarro.
  15. “Use of the Tan Spatula in Phacoemulsification,” paper given at European Intraocularlens Implant Society, Jerusalem, September.
  16. “Advanced Techniques in Astigmatism Correction,” paper given at European Intraocularlens Implant Society, Jerusalem, September.
  17. “Phacoemulsification” entry at Ophthalmological Film Festival at European Intraocularlens Implant Society, Jerusalem, September.
  18. “Small Pupil Cataract Extraction with Trabeculectomy and Folding Lens Implant” entry at Ophthalmological Film Festival at European Intraocularlens Implant Society, Jerusalem, September.
  19. Organized and Directed the Berkeley Course in Radial Keratotomy prior to the American Academy of Ophthalmology Meeting, Dallas, Texas, November. Guest faculty: Professor S. N. Fyodorov, Dr. Robert Marmer, Dr. I. Lipshitz, Dr. H. Mohammedi.
  20. “Understanding Coupling Effect in Astigmatism Surgery” paper given at the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. Los Angeles, California, March.
  21. “Thermalkeratoplasty in Correction of Astigmatism,” paper given at the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. Los Angeles, California, March.
  22. “Use of the Tan Spatula in Phacoemulsification,” paper given at the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. Los Angeles, California. Published, Ophthalmology Times, May 15.
  23. “Combined Glaucoma and Cataract Surgery,” entry at Ophthalmological Film Festival at the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, Los Angeles, California, March.
  24. “Phacoemulsification,” entry at Ophthalmological Film Festival at the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. Los Angeles, California, March.
  25. Organized and Directed the Berkeley Course in Radial Keratotomy given at Kiryu, Gunma, Japan, June 27-8, at the Institute for Clinical Ophthalmology. William Ellis, M.D., F.A.C.S., Director. Faculty included: Dr. Akira Momose, Dr. Robert Marmer, Atlanta, Georgia, Dr. Abina Ivashina, Moscow, USSR, Dr. Victor Glazko, Moscow, USSR, Dr. Norman Stahl, New York, New York, and Dr. Isaac Lipshitz, Hertzlia, Israel. There were 61 attendees present from 20 countries.
  26. “Correction of Astigmatism” lecture to Department of Ophthalmology, University of Tokyo School of Medicine, June 22 at the invitation of Chairman and Head of Department, Professor Matsuda. Topics of relaxing incisions to flatten steeper corneal meridian and thermalkeratoplasty to steepen flatter meridian were discusses. An honorarium was paid and expenses covered by the University of Tokyo.
  27. “Thermalkeratoplatsy for the Correction of Hyperopia,” lecture to the Second International Cataract Implant, Micorsurgical, and Refractive Keratoplasty Meeting, July 1, Nagoya, Japan.
  28. “Surgical Correction of Astigmatism by Relaxing Incisions and the Coupling Effect,” lecture given to the International Cataract, Implant, Micorsurgical, and Refractive Keratoplasty Meeting, July 1, Nagoya, Japan.
  29. “Phacoemulsification with Implantation of Folding Silicon Lens through Small Incision,” lecture given at Second International Cataract, Implant, Microsurgical, and Refractive Keratoplasty Meeting, July 1, Nagoya, Japan.
  30. Second International Cataract, Implant, Microsurgical, and Refractive Keratoplasty Meeting, July 1, Nagoya, Japan. Member of faculty and served on panel discussion titled, “Controversies in Radial Keratotomy,” chaired by Dr. T. Yamaguchi. Also present were Dr. A. Ivashina, Moscow, USSR, Dr. A. Momose, Japan, Dr. G.O. Waring, III, USA, and Dr. K. Akiyama, Japan.
  31. “Phacoemulsification” film and lecture presentation to the Second International Cataract, Implant, Microsurgical, and Refractive Keratoplasty Meeting. July 1, Nagoya, Japan. Participated in discussion of film.
  32. “Trabeculectomy, Small Incision Cataract Extraction and Intraocular Lens Implantation with Silicon Lens,” lecture and film presentation to the Second International Cataract, Implant, Microsurgical, and Refractive Keratoplasty Meeting, July 1, Nagoya, Japan. Participated in discussion.
  33. National Eye Institute of Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela. July 11-17. Visiting professor and lecturer on “Refractive Surgery.” Did demonstration surgery in Caracas, Venezuela, at the National Eye Institute. Headed a course on radial keratotomy at the National Eye Institute.
  34. Organized and Directed the Berkeley Course in Radial Keratotomy given in Las Vegas, Nevada, on October 6-7, at the Flamingo Hilton Hotel just prior to the meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology. William Ellis, M.D., F.A.C.S., Director. Faculty included Dr. Akira Momose, Japan, Dr. Robert Marmer, Atlanta, Georgia, Dr. Norman Stahl, New York, New York, Dr. Isaac Lipshitz, Hertzlia, Israel, Dr. Sandy Feldman, La Jolla, California, and Dr.Hossein Mohammedi, Bakersfield, California. There were 18 attendees from 12 countries.
  35. “Thermalkeratoplasty for the Correction of Hyperopia,” paper given to the Keratorefractive Society. Four patients were presented with an average of five months of follow-up on the procedure. The paper was delivered at the Bally Hotel on Saturday, October 8, in Las Vegas, Nevada.
  36. “Advances in Refractive Surgery,” paper given at Western Regional Conference of Optometry at the University of California, Berkeley, November 12, under sponsorship of the University of California School of Optometry, Berkeley. Faculty Coordinator: Dr. Karen Walker. The paper covered the current status of radial keratotomy and complications of radial keratotomy as well as recent advances, such as thermalkeratoplasty.
  37. “Thermalkeratoplasty for the Correction of Hyperopia with 18 months of Follow-up.” The paper was delivered at the International Society of Refractive Keratoplasty on October 28, Intercontinental Hotel in New Orleans, Louisiana. Paper is slated to be published in the I.S.R.K. Journal.
  38. “Correction of Hyperopia by the Double Transverse Keratotomy,” paper given at the Keratorefractive Society, Hotel Montalone in New Orleans, Louisiana on October 28.
  39. Organized and Directed the Berkeley Course in Radial Keratotomy given in New Orleans, Louisiana on October 26-7, at the Meridian Hotel just prior to the meeting of the A.A.O., William Ellis, M.D., F.A.C.S., Director. Faculty included Dr.Akira Momose, Japan, Dr. Robert Marmer, Atlanta, Georgia, Dr. Norman Stahl, New York, New York, Dr. Isaac Lipshitz, Hertzlia, Israel, Dr. George Simon, Concord, California, Dr. Hossein Mohammedi, Bakersfield, California. There were 35 attendees from 17 countries.
  40. Organized and Directed the Berkeley Course in Radial Keratotomy given in Tun Hussein Onn Eye Hospital in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The course was co- sponsored with the Malaysian Ophthalmology Society and the Tun Hussein Onn Eye Hospital. The organizing committee was chaired by Dr. K. Singh. Faculty included Dr. Akira Momose, Japan, Dr. Robert Marmer, Atlanta, Georgia. Dr. Norman Stahl, New York, New York, Dr. I. Kumar, India, and Dr. Stanley Franks, Australia. It included live surgery by Dr. William Ellis at the Eye Hospital, March.
  41. Refractive Corneal Surgery Symposium co-sponsored by the International Society for Refractive Keratoplasty and the European Refractive Surgery Society. Served on a panel discussion of radial keratotomy at the symposium chaired by Professor J. Colin, M.D., of France. Other panel members included Dr. F. Dossi, Italy and Dr. G.O Waring, III, Atlanta, Georgia. During this panel discussion, Dr. Ellis gave a ten-minute presentation on the role of the peripheral cornea in radial keratotomy predictability. Held March 16-7, at the Mandarin Hotel in Singapore.
  42. “Double Transverse Keratotomy for Correction of Hyperopia,” paper given to the Refractive Corneal Surgery Symposium held March 16-7, at the Mandarin Hotel in Singapore.
  43. “Thermalkeratoplasty for the Correction of Hyperopia,” paper given at the Refractive Corneal Surgery Symposium held March 16-7, at the Mandarin Hotel in Singapore.
  44. “Patient Selection and Surgery in Radial Keratotomy,” half-day course given at he 26th International Congress of Ophthalmology on March 19, at the Raffles City Convention Center in Singapore. This was at the request of the Organizing Committee of the 26th International Congress of Ophthalmology.
  45. “Techniques of Phacoemulsification,” paper given on March 20, at the Raffles City Convention Center in Singapore at the 26th International Congress of Ophthalmology.
  46. 26th International Congress of Ophthalmology, Chairman of the Astigmatism Symposium held 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon on March 23, at the WorldTrade Center for the 26th International Congress of Ophthalmology. Participants in the program included Dr. William Ellis who spoke on the “Surgical Correction of Astigmatism and the Role of the Peripheral Cornea in Astigmatism Correction.” Dr. Olga Alexandrova of Professor Fyodorov’s Institute in Mosow, presented a paper on thermalkeratoplasty for astigmatism correction. Dr. Richard Lindstrom talked about the correction of post-keratoplasty astigmatism. Professor George O Waring presented a talk on the prospective evaluation of astigmatism keratotomy. Dr. Daniel Durrie gave material on the use of the Excimer laser in producing T-cuts for astigmatism keratotomy. Dr. Marguerite MacDonald spoke about corneal topography in planning the treatment of post-keratoplasty astigmatism.
  47. “Treatment of Overcorrections in Radial Keratotomy and Astigmatism Surgery,” lecture to Kerato-Refractive Society in Atlanta, Georgia on October 27.
  48. Organized and Directed the Berkeley Course in Radial Keratotomy, October 25-6. Hyatt Regency Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia. Guest faculty members included Professor S. N. Fyodorov, Dr. Robert Marmer, Dr. Leo Boris, Dr. Isaac Lipshitz, Dr. George Simon, Dr. Akira Momose, Dr. A. Gutierrez and Dr. H.Mohammedi.
  49. “Surgical Correction of Hyperopia,” paper delivered at the joint meeting of the International Society of Refractive Keratoplasty and the Contact Lens Association of Ophthalmology on January 14, in Las Vegas, Nevada.
  50. “Modifying Overcorrection and Undercorrection and Astigmatism Surgery,” paper given at the American College of Eye Surgeons Quality Surgery Meeting, Saturday, February 16, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
  51. “Use of the Tan Spatula in Phacoemulsification,” paper given March 21, at the 7th Annual Island Ophthalmology Seminar, Aruba. Sponsored by the Associated Cataract Surgeons.
  52. “Corneal Mapping in Radial Keratotomy Planning,” paper given at 7th Annual Island Ophthalmology Seminar, March 21, Aruba. Sponsored by the Associated Cataract Surgeons.
  53. “Corneal Topography in Radial Keratotomy Planning,” paper given at Stanford University Department of Ophthalmology, May 31.
  54. “Corneal Topography and Radial Keratotomy Surgery,” lecture delivered to the First International Symposium on Refractive Surgery, Cannes, France, July 6.
  55. “Surgical Revision for Radial Keratotomy and Astigmatism Overcorrection,” lecture to the First International Symposium of Refractive Surgery, Cannes, France, July 6.
  56. “Corneal Topography as a Planning Factor in Radial Keratotomy Surgery,” lecture delivered to the Second International Symposium on Refractive Surgery IOL Implantation and Complex Treatment of Optic Nerve Atrophy. Moscow, September.
  57. “Surgical Revisions for Over Corrections in Radial Keratotomy Surgery,” lecture on September 17 to the Second International Symposium on Refractive Surgery IOL Implantation and Complex Treatment of Optic Nerve Atrophy. Moscow, USSR.
  58. “Sutureless Cataract Surgery,” Second International Symposium on Refractive Surgery IOL Implantation and Complex Treatment of Optic Nerve Atrophy. September 17, Moscow, USSR.
  59. Second International Symposium on Refractive Surgery IOL Implantation and Complex Treatment of Optic Nerve Atrophy. Co-chaired video session. September 18, Moscow, USSR.
  60. Organized and Directed the Berkeley Course in Radial Keratotomy, October 10-1. Buena Park, California. Faculty included Dr. Akira Momose, Dr. I. Lipshitz, Dr. Stanley Franks, Dr. Hossein Mohammedi, Dr. Robert Marmer, and Dr. William Ellis.
  61. “Corneal Topography and Radial Keratotomy Planning,” paper given to the Kerato-Refractive Society. Westin South Coast Plaza, Costa Mesa, California, Saturday, October 12.
  62. “The Effect of Corneal Asphericity in Radial Keratotomy,” paper given at the international Society of Refractive Keratoplasty, October 12, Disneyland Hotel, Anaheim, California.
  63. “Management of Overcorrection in Radial Keratotomy and Astigmatism Surgery,” lecture to Contact Lens Society of Ophthalmology, Las Vegas, Nevada, January 17.
  64. “Surgical Management of Over and Undercorrection in Keratotomy Surgery,” resented at joint meeting American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery and International Society of Refractive Keratoplasty, April 11, San Diego, California.
  65. “New Viewpoints in Radial Keratotomy Planning,” two hour instructional course presented at the annual meeting of American Society Cataract and Refractive Surgery, April 12, San Diego, California.
  66. “Corneal Topography in Keratotomy Planning,” presented at annual meeting of American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. April 15, San Diego, California.
  67. “Ocular Shape in Radial Keratotomy,” lecture given at Stanford University, Department of Ophthalmology, June 19, Stanford, California.
  68. “Regression Model of RK Effect,” lecture and paper presentation at Aegean Cornea Conference, University of Crete, Greece, August 18. Conference organizers: Professor I. Pallikaris, M.D., (Crete), Perry Binder, M.D., (USA), George Waring III, M.D., (USA).
  69. “Surgical Management of Over and Undercorrection in Keratotomy Surgery,” lecture and paper presentation at Aegean Cornea Conference, University of Crete, Greece, August 18. Conference organizers: Professor I. Pallikaris, M.D., (Crete), Perry Binder, M.D., (USA), George Waring III, M.D., (USA).
  70. Organized and Directed the Berkeley California Refractive Course given at Dallas, Texas, November 5-6. Course faculty: W. Ellis, M.D., Robert Marmer, M.D., Paris Royo, M.D., George Simon, M.D., Luc Haverbeke, M.D., Ralph Berkeley, M.D., Isaac Lipshitz, M.D.
  71. “Using Multiple Regression Analysis to Improve Surgical Results in Radial Keratotomy,” paper at International Society of Refractive Keratoplasty, Dallas, Texas, November 6, 1992.
  72. Refractive Surgery: A Practical Workshop, visiting Professor, New York Eye and Ear Infirmary, January 23, New York Eye and Ear Infirmary. Other faculty: John Seedor, M.D., Douglas Buxton, M.D., Eric Mandel, M.D., Wilson Ko, M.D., and Mark Speaker, M.D., Ph.D.
  73. Multiple Regression Analysis Using Ocular Shape Factors to Improve Accuracy in Radial Keratotomy Surgery. International Conference on Corneal Eye Banking and External Disease, June 21, Jerusalem, Israel.
  74. Ocular Shape Factors and Their Predictive Value in Radial Keratotomy Surgery. International Symposium on Refractive Surgery and Excimer Laser, International Kerato-Refractive Club, June 22, Jerusalem, Israel.
  75. Berkeley Course in Radial Keratotomy, Meeting of the German Ophthalmological Society, sponsored by Domilens, June 25, Nuremburg, Germany.
  76. Chairman, Keratorefractive Symposium at the Evang. Stift Krankenhausses Hospital. Organized by Dr. Paul Schmitz-Valckenberg, Chairman of the Ophthalmology Department, October 20. 53 German doctors were given a complete RK course including a microscopic laboratory, Koblenz, Germany.
  77. Using Ocular Shape Factors to Improve the Predictability of Refractive Surgery in Your Practice. International Society of Refractive Keratoplasty. Hyatt Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, November 12.
  78. Berkeley Course in Refractive Surgery, preceding the American Academy of Ophthalmology Meeting, November 11-2, Rosemont, Illinois. Course Director: William Ellis, M.D. Faculty: Steve Hollis, M.D., Akira Momose, M.D., Frederick Kremer, M.D., George Simon, M.D., John A. Seedor, M.D., Guillermo Avalos, M.D., Paris Royo, M.D., Robert Epstein, M.D., and Hossein Mohammedi, M.D. Two-day course with microsurgical laboratory.
  79. Preventing Malpractice in Refractive Surgery. Society of Contemporary Ophthalmology. Fairmont Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, November 14.
  80. Surgical Management of Overcorrection in Refractive Surgery. Society of Contemporary Ophthalmology. Fairmont Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, November 14.
  81. Improving RK Predictability by using Multiple Regression Analysis of Ocular Shape Factors. William Ellis, M.D., and Jon Miles, B.S. June 28. XXVII International Congress of Ophthalmology, Toronto, Canada.
  82. Berkeley Course in Refractive Surgery with specific concentration on lamellar keratoplasty, October 26-7, Berkeley Marina Mariott Hotel. Course Director: William Ellis. Faculty: Drs. Neumann, Hollis, Freeman, Lowry, Avalos, Rozakis, Ko, Lomas, Mohammedi, Momose, Dotson and Simon.
  83. “Superficial Lamellar Keratectomy,” October 29, at the International Society of Refractive Keratoplasty, Hotel ANA, San Francisco.
  84. “Capless ALK,” presented to joint meeting of the American Society of Contemporary Ophthalmology & the Kerato-Refractive Society, October 30, Park 55 Hotel, San Francisco.
  85. Served as a guest speaker by invitation to the 35th Annual Washington Spring Eye Meeting in St. Louis, Missouri, June 2-3. Lectures delivered on patient selection and lamellar keratoplasty and complications of lamellar keratoplasty. Other lecturers included Peter Hersh, M.D., Professor of Ophthalmology, Albert Einstein School of Medicine, New York, New York, Leo MacGuire, III, M.D., Associate Professor of Ophthalmology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, and Alfred Sadun, Professor of Ophthalmology, Dohenyl Institute, Los Angeles, California.
  86. American College of Eye Surgeons Quality Surgery 13 Meeting on February 20, Whistler, B.C. Dr. Ellis was a member of the faculty and gave a paper at the meeting; “Intrascleral Segmental Implants for the Reversal of Presbyopia.”
  87. Instructor in didactic and laboratory course in the Surgical Reversal of Presbyopia. Presby Corporation, Four Seasons Hotel, Seattle, Washington, April 10-11. Course faculty: Ronald A. Schachar, Ph.D, M.D., Eugene Zdeneck, M.D., Larry Lothringer, M.D., Robert Epstein, M.D., Robert Marmer, M.D., William Ellis, M.D.

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