Published Papers
- “Keratoconjunctivitis with Corneal Crystal Caused by the Diffenbachia Plant,” William Ellis, et al., American Journal of Ophthalmology, Vol. 76, page 43.
- “Leukemic Infiltration of the Optic Nerve Head,” William Ellis and Hunter Little, American Journal of Ophthalmology, Vol. 75, page 867.
- Radial Keratotomy and Astigmatic Surgery. William Ellis. Medical Aesthetics Publisher. Newport Beach, California, September, 134 pages.
- Radial Keratotomy and Astigmatism Surgery, 2nd Edition. William Ellis. Keith Terry and Associates, Publishers, November, 139 pages.
- “Thermocoagulation of the Cornea” W. Ellis, Ocular Surgery News, October 26, SLACK Publishers.
- “Thermokeratoplasty for Hyperopia,” Ocular Surgery News, page 18, Vol. 7, Number 12, SLACK Publishers.
- “Regression of Effect Following Radial Thermalkeratoplasty in Humans,” S.T. Feldman and William Ellis, et al., Journal of Refractive and Corneal Surgery. Vol. 5, page 288. SLACK Publishers.
- “Advances in Astigmatism Correction,” William Ellis, Keratorefractive Surgery, Ed. Schachar, et al., pages 110-120, LAL Publishing, Denison, Texas.
- “Surgical Correction of Astigmatism,” W. Ellis, Ocular Surgery News, International Edition, Vol. 1 Number 3, page 7, March. SLACK Publishers.
- “Experimental Radial Thermalkeratoplasty in Rabbits,” S.T. Feldman and W. Ellis, et al., Archives of Ophthalmology, Vol. 108, page 997, July.
- I/A Tip Treatment Improves Clinical Action,” W. Ellis, Ocular Surgery News, Vol. 9, page 27, June 1.
- “Surgical Management of Overcorrection in Radial Keratotomy and Astigmatism Surgery,” W. Ellis, Ophthalmology Times, Vol. 16, Number 14, July 15.
- “Stitchless Cataract Surgery Through a 6 mm wide Tunnel Incision,” W. Ellis, Ocular Surgery News, Vol. 9, pages 74-5, August 15.
- Keratotomy Surgery for Myopia, Hyperopia and Astigmatism, W. Ellis, Eye Center Press, El Cerrito, California, October, 323 pages.
- “Radial Keratotomy in Keratoconus,” W. Ellis, Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, Vol. 18, pages 406-409, July.
- “Management of Overcorrection in Radial Keratotomy and Astigmatism Surgery,” W. Ellis, Ophthalmosurgery (Moscow), submitted for publication.
- “Considering Four Factors Improves RK Predictability,” W. Ellis, Ocular Surgery News, Vol. 10, Number 9, page 68.
- “RK, Astigmatism, Overcorrections Reversed,” W. Ellis, Ophthalmology Times, Vol. 11, pages 14-5.
- “Viewpoint of an Expert Witness: Legal Issues in Refractive Surgery,” W. Ellis, Managing and Marketing Your Refractive Surgery Practice, R. Bruce Grene, (Ed.) EMK Publishing Inc., New York.
- “Surgical Management of Overcorrections in Radial Keratotomy Surgery,” W.Ellis, Ophthalmosurgery , Vol. 3, Moscow, Russia
- “The Surgical Conquest of Presbyopia; Are There Implications for Cataract and Glaucoma?” (to be published). W. Ellis, Ophthalmosurgery , Moscow, Russia.
- “Surgical Correction of Presbyopia,” W. Ellis, Opthalmosurgery, Vol. 2, pages 38-44.
- “Presbyopia and Accommodation.” W. Ellis, Ophthalmology v:109.
- “Presbyopia, Accommodation and Mature Catenary,” W. Ellis, Ophthalmology, Vol. 109, page 1415.