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The 5 Worst Places to Lose Your Contacts This Summer

Contacts are notoriously easy to lose, and when you’re getting ready to enjoy the sun and all the beautiful colors of summer, it can be especially frustrating. If you’ve ever lost a contact in one of these places, or if you want to avoid it, it may be time to consider getting LASIK.

1. Swimming Pools

Losing a contact in a swimming pool, or anywhere near a swimming pool can be a pain. Literally! Chlorine can irritate the eye and the large amount of foot traffic from people walking around the pool can cause your lens to carry some nasty bacteria that can cause your to get an infection. Gross! Going through an entire disinfecting cycle for your contacts can take a long time, and if you have soft contacts it may be easier to just throw them out. Did you know that LASIK can actually save you money over the long term? Most people end up having LASIK pay for itself financially in about 20 years, and that’s not even including the amazing lifestyle benefits LASIK has to offer!

2. Beaches

Let’s say one day you decide to go to San Francisco’s Ocean Beach for the day, and right as you get there, it happens – contact lens meets sand. Sand can be an absolute nightmare for dropped contacts. It’s coarse, rough, irritating, and it gets everywhere. Not to mention trying to find a nearly invisible object with the blinding glare of the sun! Even if you do manage to find it and clean it properly, it may be too scratched up to use. The number one benefit most people enjoy from LASIK is not having to stress out about losing their eyesight for a day.

3. Hiking

The world-famous Yosemite national park is a few hours away from popular California cities such as San Jose, Roseville, and Sacramento. Imagine the frustration of losing a contact and losing out on the fantastic scenery and wildlife after coming all that way! Over 96% of patients experience immediate improvement of their eyesight after LASIK, and many eventually see with 20/20 vision or better!

4. Weekend Spa Vacation

There are no shortage of spas in California. Plenty of people like to visit spas to receive therapeutic treatments, and eliminate stress, but nothing is more stressful than getting there only to realize you forgot to pack an extra set of contacts! It’s awfully hard to get a facial scrub while wearing your glasses. LASIK eliminates or reduces the need for glasses or contacts. That’s a relaxing thought!

5. A Night at the Movies

California is home to Los Angeles – movie central. If you drop your contacts halfway through a movie at the theater, you may have just bought expensive popcorn and a ticket to some blurry colors. It can be especially embarrassing to have to stop people from exiting their seats so that they don’t step on them. Enjoy this summer’s blockbusters with peace of mind, come to one of Dr. Ellis’s offices in San Francisco, San Jose, Gilroy, and more to find out if LASIK is right for you!

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