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The 4 Biggest Misconceptions About Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a common eye disease that affects millions of people but surprisingly, many patients still know very little about it. Glaucoma is a disease that occurs when pressure builds up around the optic nerve, causing permanent vision loss.

Many patients don’t realize they have it early on because there usually aren’t any symptoms until the later stages. The best way to protect yourself from glaucoma and other common eye diseases is to be informed. So here are the four biggest misconceptions about glaucoma:

  • Glaucoma only affects the elderly

Glaucoma is more commonly found in adults over the age of 60 but it can affect people of all ages. Additionally, there are many factors which could put you at higher risk for developing glaucoma.

Diabetes and a family history of the disease put you at higher risk. African Americans and Latin Americans are also at higher risk for developing glaucoma.

  • There is only one type of glaucoma

There are actually two different types of glaucoma. Open-angle is the most common; it affects 90 percent of all glaucoma patients.

It causes the pressure on the optic nerve to increase slowly over time. Angle-closure happens much more quickly and usually causes pain, headaches, and nausea right away.

  • If I had glaucoma, I would realize it

Unfortunately, this is rarely the case. If you are one of the 90 percent of patients who have open-angle glaucoma, your symptoms will develop slowly over time.

Most patients don’t realize they have glaucoma until the later stages of the disease. But by that point, irreversible vision loss has usually already occurred. This is why it is important for everyone to have yearly, dilated eye exams.

  • Surgery can cure glaucoma

There is no cure for glaucoma. Surgery can treat the symptoms of the disease and can even stop the progression of vision loss. But it isn’t a cure and there is no way to regain vision that has already been lost to glaucoma.

Are you concerned you may be experiencing symptoms of glaucoma? Don’t wait — early detection and treatment are key to preserving your vision and quality of life. Contact our offices in San Jose , Walnut Creek or San Francisco today to schedule an appointment!

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*This site does not provide medical advice. While the information found on this website is generally true, specific conditions as they may relate to you may be different including the diagnosis and potential treatments. The information on this website should not be considered a substitute for a comprehensive evaluation, diagnosis or treatment from a qualified eye care professional. Always seek the advice of your qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical concern or condition. Unsolicited emails and messages may not be answered.

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