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5 Common Questions About LASIK Recovery

lasik recovery

LASIK is one of the most common and safe procedures you can have but most people still have a number of questions. The most frequent questions we have encountered usually concern the length of the recovery time.

Fortunately, the recovery time from LASIK is usually quite short and most patients begin feeling better right away. Here are the five most common questions about LASIK recovery:

Will the recovery be painful?

Everyone has a different experience with LASIK but in general, it probably won’t be painful but it may be uncomfortable. Your eyes will most likely be pretty sensitive to light for the first couple days and you may feel a burning or itching sensation.

However, most people noticed a marked improvement in how they feel after the first day.

How long before I can drive again?

That really depends on your eyes and how they respond to surgery. You will need to have someone drive you home immediately following surgery and you should give yourself that first day to rest and recover.

But after that, you are free to drive whenever you feel comfortable with your vision.

Is there anything I should avoid doing?

Yes, you should avoid wearing makeup, doing yard work, and exposure to dust and smoke. And while you can shower normally, you shouldn’t swim, get in the hot tub, or submerge yourself completely in water for at least two weeks following the surgery.

However, if you feel up to it you can continue your normal workout routine — just make sure to take extra precautions to protect your eyes.

How soon will my vision improve?

Again, this really depends on your eyes and how they respond to the surgery. But 90 percent of patients do report seeing an improvement in their vision within a day of having the surgery.

But keep in mind, visual fluctuations are completely normal in the following weeks or even months after surgery.

How soon should I follow up with my doctor?

You’ll have a follow-up appointment with your doctor within the first week following your surgery. You can fill your doctor in on how you’re feeling, any problems you are having, and they can answer your questions.

Were there any LASIK questions we didn’t answer for you? The best way to get your questions answered is by scheduling your LASIK consultation. Just contact our San Francisco office to schedule an appointment with one of our doctors today.

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