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How To Treat Dry Eye After LASIK

Treating Dry Eye after LASIK in San Francisco

LASIK surgery is a painless procedure, but there is a recovery period afterward. You may experience some discomfort while your eyes heal. One of the most common symptoms after LASIK is having increased discomfort from dry eye.

There are no complications to worry about if you have dry eye after LASIK. During the recovery period, your eyes will be more irritated. Luckily, there are solutions that can ease any discomfort. Keep reading to learn some easy ways to treat your dry eye after LASIK!

Dry Eye

Dry eye can happen to anyone, although it is most common in postmenopausal women. It also can occur for reasons other than LASIK surgery. Dry eye happens when your eyes either don’t produce enough tears or don’t produce enough water in your tears.

Tears are made up of water, mucus, and oil. If there is not enough water in your tears, your eyes will not be lubricated. Eyes that are lacking the proper lubrication may feel dry, itchy, or gritty.

Besides lacking water in tears, dry eye is often caused due to weather. If you are in a dry environment that lacks moisture, your eyes could develop chronic dry eye. There are ways to tell if you are at a higher risk for having dry eye due to LASIK surgery.

Pre-Operative Screening

Before you have LASIK surgery, your doctor may screen you to see how well your eyes produce tears. These tests measure the amount and content of your tears. They also test how well your tears are being distributed over the eye.

During your screening, your doctor will want to know of any medications that you may be taking. Certain medications could make you more likely to develop dry eye after LASIK.

Preventative Treatment

After testing, your doctor should be able to tell whether you are at risk for dry eye after LASIK. If you are, they will recommend preventative treatments. These treat post-LASIK dry eye, and if you are at risk of dry eye, they can recommend preventative treatments.

These treatments include simple things like drinking more water and taking Omega-3 supplements. Your doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory medication or eye drops. These should be taken before and after the procedure.

Further Treatment

If your dry eye is still acting up after LASIK , there are other options to consider. Most cases of dry eye after LASIK are treatable with artificial tears and eye drops. If your eyes are still bothering you, consider modifying your environment. Putting a humidifier in your home can help your eyes absorb more moisture from the air.

If nothing else helps and symptoms of dry eye still persist, your doctor can put in punctal plugs. These plugs get inserted in the eye’s drainage channel to make tears stay on the surface of your eye longer. If tears stay in your eyes longer, it can help your eyes make up for any lack of moisture.

Want to learn more about dry eye? Considering LASIK surgery? Contact Ellis Eye and Laser Medical Center today to schedule an appointment at one of our locations.

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