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3 Reasons Why LASIK Is A Good Investment

Young people smiling after LASIK

LASIK isn’t cheap and it shouldn’t be! You want a good surgeon who will give you a safe and effective procedure.

Talented, experienced surgeons can be a little more expensive. What many people don’t realize is LASIK can save you money over time.

Consider how much you pay for glasses and contacts already. When you get LASIK, you no longer have to pay for these expenses.

Over time, your LASIK procedure will be fully paid off and then you’ll save money. Keep reading to learn why LASIK is a good investment!

1. Contacts are Expensive

There are many different varieties of contacts. Some can be more expensive than others.

Like most things, the better the quality, the more expensive. If you need a strong prescription, a higher quality contact lens might be your best option.

And if you rely on contact lenses most of the time, you have to buy them on a regular basis. Some people wear dailies, some wear weeklies or monthlies.

Prices can range from $150 a year to over $1,500. And that’s the cost of the lenses themselves.

Contact solution is extra, as are treatments for dry eye. Wearing contact lenses also makes you more likely to contract eye infections.

Those infections mean more visits to the eye doctor, which can add up over time. All these costs add up.

2. Glasses Need Replacements

Even if you primarily wear contacts, you need a pair of glasses at least as a backup. Glasses can cost less than some contacts in the long run as the average price for a good pair of glasses is about $200.

But unlike with contacts, if your glasses get lost or break, you often have to pay the full price for a replacement. Even if you take good care of your glasses, regular wear and tear make replacement necessary.

Most people replace their glasses every few years. Glasses can cost you more than $200 a year if you’re not careful. Even if you are careful, they’ll still cost you at least that much every two or three years.

For those that wear glasses and contacts, the average cost is $500 a year. Wouldn’t it be nice to no longer have to spend that $500 on your glasses or contacts? After LASIK, this could easily be your new reality!

3. LASIK is Cost-Effective

LASIK varies in price. It usually depends on prescription strength and whether you have a custom procedure.

The average price is about $2,500 per eye, which is a total of $5,000 for both eyes. For many people, that’s a lot of money.

But LASIK will likely get rid of your need for contacts or glasses. That means that over time, LASIK can pay for itself in savings.

If the average cost people spend on glasses and contacts is $500 per year, LASIK starts paying for itself quickly. Over 15 years, you’d spend more than the average price of LASIK surgery on glasses and contacts.

If you get LASIK, you actually save money every year after 15 years. This doesn’t even include inflation. With inflation, the price of contacts and glasses will rise over this period.

But when you pay for a one time expense like LASIK, you don’t have to worry about rising LASIK costs down the road.

Feel free to do your own calculations to see how LASIK could save you money. Remember that if a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is!

Watch out for bargain offers for LASIK. When it comes to your eyes, don’t fall for offers that don’t seem safe. You’re better off paying more for LASIK and having crystal clear vision for the rest of your life.

Ready to find out if LASIK could be right for you? Schedule a LASIK consultation at Ellis Eye in San Francisco, CA now!

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