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Look Your Best By Getting LASIK

Young women celebrating after LASIK

If you want to be able to see without glasses or contacts, chances are you’ve considered getting LASIK. LASIK surgery is a proven low risk and highly effective procedure.

It’s also more accessible than ever with many laser surgery centers around the country. If you’re still on the fence about LASIK, know that having your best vision can change both how you see and how others see you.

It can totally change up your look and give you a whole new outlook on the world at the same time! Keep reading to find out why LASIK lets you look your best!

Forget About Glasses

Glasses can be a fun fashion statement but they also can get boring fast. If you wear glasses, it’s really only feasible to have a couple of pairs at a time.

You can get creative with unconventional colors and designs but you’ll be more limited after that. After all, you can only wear so many pairs of glasses!

Coordinating outfits with a limited collection of eyewear can be tricky. That’s why most people opt for neutrally colored and designed glasses, and where’s the fun in that?

When you have LASIK, you can still be creative with eyewear. In fact, you can be even more creative.

You can choose to wear non-prescription glasses. You can branch out into sunglasses that you can buy for much less than prescription pairs. And you won’t be limited by how your eyes are feeling because of contacts, either.

No More Dried Out Eyes from Contacts

Contacts are a good choice for many people but they’re far from perfect. In fact, contacts are much more likely to give you an infection than eye surgeries like LASIK.

Wearing contacts won’t guarantee you end up with an infection. You’re less likely to have one if you practice good hygiene and only clean your contacts with clean hands.

But just by wearing contact lenses, you are at a higher risk of infection. Even if you don’t end up with an infection, contacts can be pretty uncomfortable if you wear them all day.

If you give your eyes a break, you have to go back to wearing your glasses. It’s not a great choice between the two.

So if you don’t wear contacts or glasses, what’s the solution? Getting LASIK! It allows you to do away with the hassles of contacts and keep your eyes healthier.

After LASIK, you won’t have to worry about irritation due to contacts or running low on your solution. You won’t need glasses or contacts to see anymore.

Express Yourself!

With more freedom in what you put on your face, you can open up a world of possibilities. If contacts have never been for you, you can finally go without wearing glasses.

Doing away with glasses means so much more room on your face to experiment with makeup. You can still change up your look whenever you want with frames or non-prescription lenses.

When you don’t have to bother with contacts, you can save time getting ready in the morning. Your eyes will look and feel more refreshed too!

Ready to make the switch? Schedule a LASIK consultation at Ellis Eye in San Francisco, CA, and say goodbye to glasses and contacts!

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*This site does not provide medical advice. While the information found on this website is generally true, specific conditions as they may relate to you may be different including the diagnosis and potential treatments. The information on this website should not be considered a substitute for a comprehensive evaluation, diagnosis or treatment from a qualified eye care professional. Always seek the advice of your qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical concern or condition. Unsolicited emails and messages may not be answered.

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