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4 Ways LASIK Is Good For College Students

Woman researching LASIK

College is an unforgettable time for young people. For many, it’s their first time living on their own and actually putting thought into what they want to do in life.

These years are all about preparing for the future, and it goes beyond considering a career. It’s a time where people develop emotionally, socially, and even physically.

So what better time is there to get LASIK? LASIK can help young people not only thrive during their college years but also for years and years to come. Keep reading to learn 4 ways LASIK is good for college students!

1. The Perfect Age for LASIK

LASIK is safe and effective for many adults that are 21 and older. Technically, you can have LASIK at 18, but most surgeons recommend waiting until your mid to late twenties.

If you qualify, it’s more cost-effective when you’re younger. The younger you are, the more years you have ahead of you to enjoy the benefits of perfect vision.

LASIK can give you 20/40 vision or better, but it doesn’t prevent age-related eye conditions. When you get older, your vision will probably start to get worse and you may need reading glasses.

If you have LASIK when you’re young, you have the potential of 20 years or more without having to use glasses or contacts to see! Who doesn’t want decades of clear vision to look forward to as a college student?

2. Better Study Sessions

Before anything else, college is a place to learn. Students can spend many, many hours every week studying, writing papers, and doing other classwork.

Most students are also familiar with the dreaded all-nighter. Do you know what can make an all-night study session almost impossible?

Trying to pull one off while wearing contact lenses. The longer you wear them, the more uncomfortable they get.

There are always glasses, of course, but if you’re a regular contact user, they may feel uncomfortable while you’re trying to concentrate. With LASIK, you won’t have any of these issues. When you study, you can focus on studying and studying only.

3. Dorm Life Ease

Living in a dorm is a unique college experience. It can be fun, but one daily struggle is sharing a bathroom.

Even if you end up living in an apartment off-campus, chances are you’re at least going to be sharing a bathroom with a roommate. Cramped, shared spaces mean that the best thing to do is to spend the least amount of time in the bathroom as you can.

But with contacts, you have to spend extra time in the bathroom putting them in and taking them out. Don’t forget the counter space your cases and solution take up!

If you live in a dorm, you’ll have to bring everything with you to and from the bathroom. Simplify your home life during college with LASIK and do away with your contacts and glasses.

4. Freedom to Have Fun!

College may be all about classes, but there’s plenty of opportunities for extracurricular activities! You can play a club sport, take part in theater, or join a student organization.

And then there’s your social life. College is the time for parties and adventure. Have the freedom to enjoy your adventure during your college years by getting LASIK.

You’ll be able to see your world better than ever and enjoy your time in college without the worries that can come with glasses or contacts. This is the time to live your life to the fullest!

Ready to make the most of your time in college by getting LASIK? Find out if you’re a good candidate by scheduling your LASIK consultation at Ellis Eye in San Francisco, CA!

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