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4 Reasons LASIK Improves The Holiday Season

couple sitting by christmas tree with glasses of champagne

There’s nothing quite like the holidays. Love them or hate them, it’s hard to avoid the various traditions surrounding this cheerful time of year.

But do you know what makes the holiday season even better? The perfect sight that LASIK surgery can give you.

The holidays are better and brighter after you have LASIK! Keep reading for 4 reasons why LASIK improves the holiday season!

1. Enjoy the Winter Weather and (maybe) Snow

There’s no shortage of activities when it comes to snow. Though there isn’t a lot of snow in California, if you go to the mountains, you can enjoy it!

Whether you ski, snowboard, snowshoe, or build a snowman with your family, there’s plenty of fun ways to enjoy the winter weather. But what doesn’t go with your mountain time are foggy glasses or contacts that irritate your eyes.

Without any seeing aids to worry about, you can enjoy your outdoor activities to the fullest. LASIK is the simplest solution to be able to enjoy everything colder weather has to offer you, no matter where you are!

2. Or… Have an Excuse to Cuddle Up Indoors

Cold and snow not your thing? No problem! LASIK is just as fun to enjoy inside when cozying up next to the fireplace or binging your favorite holiday movies.

You can enjoy all the movies you’ve seen a million times before clearer than ever. You won’t have to worry about falling asleep with your contacts in or glasses on since you won’t need them anymore.

When you get LASIK, you’re supposed to avoid strenuous activities for a week or so after, and a month for intense contact sports. But even if you’re past this recovery time, your friends and family don’t have to know that!

If you’ve had LASIK in the past month or so, it’s a perfect excuse for staying inside for those who hate going out in the cold. There are worse things than having a good excuse to stay inside and relax during the winter!

3. Look Your Best For Holiday Photos

You probably have at least one friend or relative who’s crazy about taking pictures. And only having to interact with that person over a video call may not dissuade them from taking plenty of screenshots.

Even if you’re that person, you want to be able to capture your best self in every photo. With LASIK, there’s no need to worry about having to put in contacts on lazy holiday mornings.

Look effortlessly refreshed every morning as soon as you roll out of bed! Wouldn’t it be nice to have more time to relax and enjoy your own company instead of rushing around every morning? These are the small luxuries that LASIK can afford you!

4. Capture Memories That Will Last a Lifetime

Even when you aren’t taking pictures, you can capture every moment of the holidays as a precious memory. You may find that after you get LASIK, everything looks different.

The snow, the trees, all the lights and decorations, and even the people around you just look sharper. Being able to see clearly is one of the best gifts you can give yourself.

Make this your first holiday season where you can truly see everything around you. Enjoy the holidays with friends and family near and far, this year and every year after once you have LASIK.

Ready to create memories that you’ll never forget? Getting LASIK is one of the most life-changing things you can do! Schedule a LASIK consultation at Ellis Eye in San Francisco, CA to find out if it’s right for you!

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