Do’s and Don’ts For Preparing Before LASIK

Getting LASIK is a big decision. The procedure will completely change your life. There’s nothing more life-changing than achieving visual freedom.
That means no more glasses or contacts. If you’ve decided to get LASIK, you’re probably excited and you should be!
Keep reading for a few do’s and don’ts to keep in mind as you prepare before LASIK !
Do: Schedule Your Appointment Weeks in Advance
After a full LASIK consultation and deciding to go ahead with the procedure, your eye doctor will recommend when you should have LASIK. You should schedule the procedure a few weeks in advance, especially if you wear contacts.
When scheduling your appointment, you should also discuss any questions or concerns with your eye doctor. They’ll give you detailed instructions on exactly what to do before and after surgery.
You want to make sure you know everything necessary for having a good procedure. You also want to feel comfortable and know you can rely on your eye doctor to address any concerns.
Don’t: Wear Contacts in the Weeks Before You Have LASIK
Wearing contacts can change the shape of your eye, at least temporarily. When you have LASIK, your eyes need to be in their natural shape for the procedure to be effective.
That means you have to stop wearing contacts in the weeks leading up to having LASIK. Your eye doctor will be able to tell you exactly how long you should go without contacts before LASIK.
This depends on what kind of contacts you wear. In general, that means 2 weeks for soft contacts and 3 or more weeks for rigid gas permeable contacts.
But always follow whatever instructions your eye doctor gives you.
Do: Arrange for a Ride
LASIK surgery is an outpatient procedure, meaning you’ll go home the same day. But since the surgery is on your eyes and they need some time to heal before you can enjoy your improved vision, you need to get a ride home.
This should be a friend or family member who can come with you to and from the appointment. But if that’s not possible, you can always use a rideshare app!
Don’t: Skip Dinner or Breakfast
As LASIK doesn’t use general anesthesia, you don’t need to fast the night before or the morning of surgery. In fact, you should eat full, healthy meals before your procedure.
Take any medications that you normally would unless a doctor tells you otherwise. Always double-check with your doctor about instructions for the night of and the morning of surgery. You shouldn’t need to do anything too different from your normal routine.
Do: Get a Good Night’s Sleep
Along with eating a meal, a full night’s sleep is a good way to promote healing. You may be anxious the night before, but do your best to go to bed early.
Relax with a bath, music, or a cup of tea to make sure you fall asleep. Wear a loose, comfortable outfit that’s picked out in advance that you can wear during LASIK.
Don’t: Wear Any Makeup, Perfume, or Lotion
The night before LASIK, wash your face completely. The morning of, don’t put anything on your face.
That includes any kind of lotion or moisturizer. Having a clean face helps keep the space your surgeon is working around sanitary. It also prevents any particles from accidentally getting into your eyes and causing an infection.
Think LASIK is right for you? Schedule your LASIK consultation at Ellis Eye in San Francisco, CA today to find out!