William Ellis, M.D. Named “Specialized Astigmatism Center” Providing the First Comprehensive LASIK Treatment of Astigmatism in San Francisco Bay Area and Sacramento Ellis Eye and Laser Medical Center has been named a “Specialized Astigmatism Center” by Technolas Perfect Vision GmbH (TPV), providing the first comprehensive LASIK treatment of Astigmatism approved by the FDA. Ellis Eye…Read More
Medical News in Meeting Coverage, AAO AAO: Topical Cyclosporine Speeds Recovery After LASIK Surgery By Charles Bankhead, Staff Writer, MedPage Today Reviewed by Robert Jasmer, MD; Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco November 15, 2007 NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 15 — Topical cyclosporine significantly accelerates corneal nerve regeneration after LASIK surgery when…Read More
BNET Research Service – August, 2007 by Rebekah Blowers, Brien Aho Navy offers newest technology: laser eye surgery keeps Sailors mission ready For Sailors and Marines who wear glasses or contacts, the thought of waking up in the middle of the night and fumbling around on the night stand or in their rack for their…Read More
FDA Approves CustomVue Monovision LASIK The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved for marketing the first LASIK device designed for treating one eye to see far away objects and the other eye for close-up vision. “The approval of the CustomVue Monovision LASIK expands permanent vision correction options for nearsighted adults who also have trouble focusing…Read More
ASCRS – Release: October 16, 2003 By: John Ciccone, QUALITY OF LIFE IMPROVED THROUGH LASER EYE SURGERY: First Quality of Life Survey Among Laser Eye Surgery Patients Demonstrates High Satisfaction, Improved Daily Routine and Overall Quality of Life. Fairfax, VA– The vast majority of Americans who had their vision corrected by laser surgery are highly…Read More