Researchers at Oregon Health & Science University’s Casey Eye Institute reports that contact lens wearers face a much greater risk of developing a serious eye infection than patients receiving laser eye surgery. This is especially true for long-term contact lens wearers. The report indicated that over the course of 30 years, there is a 1-in-100…Read More
Choosing the right surgeon before you go into any kind of operation is one of the most important decisions you can make. You wouldn’t put the wellbeing your kidneys in the hands of a doctor you didn’t trust, and the same goes for your eyes. Sight is one of our most valuable senses, so it…Read More
People can suffer from many different types of problems in the eye. Perhaps one of the most interesting, and intimidating, of these afflictions is a “pterygium”, otherwise known as “surfer’s eye”. Luckily, it can be treated, but before we talk about how to treat surfer’s eye, let’s talk about what it is. What a Pterygium…Read More
Contacts are notoriously easy to lose, and when you’re getting ready to enjoy the sun and all the beautiful colors of summer, it can be especially frustrating. If you’ve ever lost a contact in one of these places, or if you want to avoid it, it may be time to consider getting LASIK. 1. Swimming…Read More
Most people know a thing or two about LASIK – usually that it involves lasers and that it makes you see better. But did you know that there is more than one type of LASIK surgery? There are in fact several techniques used to correct vision surgically. Two of the most popular techniques used in…Read More